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FREE LIVE 90-Minute
Zoom Workshop

Designed to help you:
Feel Empowered
Resume Your Favorite Activities
& Become Pain Free!

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75% of athletes suffer from chronic pain.

And the hidden costs are the deepest wounds

Degrades Physical Health

Being in constant pain is taxing and exhausting. You're always focused and fixated on it. It prevents you from living a full life, and your physical health often suffers. 

Creates Mental Pressure

Chronic pain leaves athletes feeling overwhelmed, emotionally taxed, and depressed. their identity is ripped away. The emotional and mental toll of chronic pain can be worse than the symptoms themselves.

Leaves You Unable to Perform

Chronic pain prevents athletes and active people from enjoying their favorite sports and rips their identity away, fear of a lifetime of restriction.

This FREE workshop is for you if you're an active person with chronic pain who is...

Limited in your favorite sport or activity because of your pain

Restricting your daily life to avoid flare-ups and having to 'manage' your symptoms

Tired of having tried treatment after treatment without lasting relief

Free Live Workshop:

Starting Your Pain Free Comeback

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In this workshop, you'll receive a comprehensive overview of chronic pain from Certified Chronic Pain Coaches that you WON'T get in your doctor's office, including:

  • An understanding of why relief from conventional chronic pain treatments often doesn’t last
  •  Insight into the neuroscience of what REALLY Causes Chronic Pain
  •  A proven path to becoming pain free   
  • Myth-busting about chronic pain and how it relates to YOUR symptoms
  • The link between pain and fear - and what to do about it 
  • Exercises designed to help you understand your symptoms and accelerate your healing journey 
  • Stories of hope from former chronic pain sufferers who experienced remarkable breakthroughs

Bonus Gift

Receive a FREE audio exercise proven to reduce fear
and soothe your symptoms


Certified Chronic Pain Coach
Rock Climber
Former Chronic Shoulder Pain Sufferer; Pain Free For 8+ Years

Hosted By


Certified Chronic Pain Coach
Former Semi-Professional Cyclist
Former Chronic Back Pain Sufferer; Pain Free For 12+ Years


To change the way the world views and treats chronic pain: 
From Pain Management to 
Pain Free

Free Live Workshop:

Starting Your Pain Free Comeback

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All spots for this schedule have been booked now. Try another schedule.

The  Proven Brain-Focused Approach to Chronic Pain
Built By Athletes, For Athletes

Revolutionary Approach for Athletes

Pain Free Comeback is a brain and nervous-system focused method designed for athletes facing chronic pain. No drugs, stretching, diets, or physical exercises required.

to Work

Our method has been scientifically proven to reduce or eliminate many types of chronic pain, no matter how long you've been suffering.

Not Pain Management -
Pain Free

Unlike typical pain programs, Pain Free Comeback is NOT a pain management program. Our focus is on ensuring your full, pain-free return to the sports and physical activities you love. 

The Pain Free Comeback Method


Learn WHY chronic pain develops and persists and become aware of  habits that cause pain to persist beyond what's considered normal for an injury.


Learn how to trust your body, incorporate simple habits into your routine, and learn brain-based techniques that will help avoid flare-ups.


Resume physical activity without fear (and without pain!), build resilience, and reach optimal athletic performance

 "One's mind, stretched by a new idea never returns to its original dimensions" 

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

 Thanks to the Pain Free Comeback Program, I was able to fully go back to the sport I loved and really excel in it to a level I hadn't been able to before!

George Hoffmann

Team Every Man Jack

 The Pain Free Comeback Program changed my life outlook, it gave me self confidence, it's amazing!

Nune Sargsayan


Ready to kickstart
your healing journey?

Claim your FREE spot in the workshop now!

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All spots for this schedule have been booked now. Try another schedule.

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